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Ewa - lektor angielskiego

Ewa - English teacher

Native level teacher specializing in Academic English.

    eng pl eng
  • engEnglish teacher
  • English C1
  • Polish Mother tongue
Teaching specializations
Teaching preferences
  • Individual classes
  • Group classes
  • Students (15-20)
  • Adults (21+)
Preparation for exams

About me

I graduated from the University of Opole (Poland) with a degree in Business in 2010. After this, I continued my education at Teacher Training College for another 3 years. In 2014 I decided to come to the UK and complete a degree in TESOL at the University of Huddersfield. During that time I was developing my teaching skills by giving private English lessons and working with international students on summer camps across the UK. In 2019 I gained a CELTA qualification and have started working at International Study Centre (University of Huddersfield) as an Academic English tutor teaching international students, mostly from Pakistan, India, and China.

I like meeting and working with people from a variety of cultures and backgrounds and helping them grow both academically and socially. I think it is crucial to provide students with regular feedback in order for them to stay motivated and at the same time be able to identify areas of achievement and those for improvement.

In my spare time, I like to indulge in music creation and explore the English countryside with my family.

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Popular specialties: Business English English for HR Travel English Office English English for Tourism English for IT English in Marketing English in Commerce English for Accountants Legal English English for Engineers Medical English English in ecology English for Biotechnology and Bioengineering English for Hospitality Sector English for Construction Workers English for Artists English for Kids English for Interviews Public Speaking Military English English for Real Estate

Popular certificates: B1 Preliminary for Schools B2 First for Schools BEC Higher BEC Preliminary BEC Vantage CAE CPE Egzamin ósmoklasisty FCE IB - International Baccalaureate IELTS KET LCCI EDI Linguaskill Matura (poziom podstawowy) Matura (poziom rozszerzony) PET Pre A1 Starters (YLE) PTE TOEFL TOEIC Trinity YLE Flyers YLE Movers

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