Všetci učitelia
Marina - lektor angielskiego

Marina - Učiteľ angličtiny

A near-native English teacher passionate about empowering learners to achieve language proficiency

    ru eng pl es eng
  • engUčiteľ angličtiny
  • Ruština Rodený
  • Angličtina C2
  • Polština B2
  • Španielčina B1
Výučbové preferencie
  • Individuálne triedy
  • Skupinové triedy
  • Študenti (15-20)
  • Dospelí (21+)
Príprava na skúšky

O sebe

Having been learning English for most of my life, I have come across many various courses and teaching techniques that helped me understand what works best for a student for them to acquire the language effectively. Then, after deciding to become a teacher, I accumulated that knowledge and experience as well as received a TEFL Certificate to help them learn the language stress-free in an engaging and natural way.

As an international student in Poland, I thrive in the multicultural environment and really enjoy communicating with different types of people from all over the world. Therefore, I would absolutely love to hear about your background, hobbies and what makes you the unique person you are!

Personally, I am a “one-woman band” and enjoy many things from knitting to hiking, so I am sure there always will be things to talk about and I will make sure that you are interested in the conversation. All of this, of course, in the target language for you to gain confidence in speaking as much as in the other areas.

My motto is: “Practice makes it perfect!”

Začnite sa učiť s najlepšími učiteľmi
Učte sa angličtinu od svetových rečníkov. Prijmite výzvu!
Zaregistrujte sa do kurzu
Angličtina online  /  Lektori  /  Marina
Obľúbené špecializácie: Obchodná angličtina Angličtina v HR Angličtina na cestách Angličtina v kancelárii Angličtina pre deti Angličtina v turistike Angličtina v IT Angliština v marketingu Angličtina a predaj Angličtina pre účtovníctvo Angličtina v práve Angličtina pre inžinierov Angličtina v medicíne Angličtina v ekológii Angličtina pre biotechnológiu a bioinžinierstvo Angličtina pre pohostinstvo Angličtina pre stavebných robotníkov Angličtina pre výtvarníkov Angličtina pre deti Angličtina na pohovory Verejný prejav Vojenská angličtina Angličtina pre nehnuteľnosti

Obľúbené certifikáty: B1 Preliminary for Schools B2 First for Schools BEC Higher BEC Preliminary BEC Vantage CAE CPE Egzamin ósmoklasisty FCE IB - International Baccalaureate IELTS KET LCCI EDI Linguaskill Matura (poziom podstawowy) Matura (poziom rozszerzony) PET Pre A1 Starters (YLE) PTE TOEFL TOEIC Trinity YLE Flyers YLE Movers

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95 % zákazníkov odporúča Fluentbe
Viac ako 1 000 000 ukončených lekcií
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