Wszyscy nauczyciele
Amanda - lektor angielskiego

Amanda - Lektor angielskiego

enthusiastic, warm, and engaging teacher

    eng de cs eng
  • engLektor angielskiego
  • Angielski Native
  • Niemiecki B1
  • Czeski A2
Preferencje nauczania
  • Zajęcia indywidualne
  • Dzieci (7-8)
  • Dzieci (9-14)
  • Studenci (15-20)
  • Dorośli (21+)
Przygotowanie do egzaminów

O sobie

 A consummate lover of languages, Amanda first heard another language listening to German opera with her father as a little girl.  This was followed by French in school and then Spanish. May’s love for languages blossomed in University where she studied latin as a minor,  winning multiple awards and scholarships for her accomplishments.  After graduating from college, Amanda moved to Prague to where she became a tefl (teaching English as a foreign language) certified teacher in 2008 and then taught there happily for three years, even learning Czech on the side too until she fell in love with the city of Vienna and one of its residents. ;-) Once arrived, she attended German school there. She is now fluent in German :-)  She has a couple more languages to go before she reaches her desired goal and loves to pick up languages wherever she goes.

Amanda is positive enthusiastic, warm and engaging in the classroom and has worked with students of all ages and levels.   She has taught students (especially those from Central Europe and Asia)  around the world both inside the classroom and online.  She is grateful for her musical ear and her ability to pick up on accents and to help others improve their pronunciation. She is a popular and sought after teacher wherever she goes. She cannot wait to meet you.

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Angielski online  /  Lektorzy  /  Amanda
Popularne specjalizacje: Angielski biznesowy Angielski w HR Angielski w podróży Angielski biurowy Angielski dla dzieci Angielski turystyczny Angielski w IT Angielski w marketingu Angielski w sprzedaży Angielski w księgowości Angielski prawniczy Angielski dla inżynierów Angielski medyczny Angielski w ekologii Angielski dla biotechnologii i bioinżynierii Angielski dla sektora hotelarskiego Angielski dla pracowników budowlanych Angielski dla artystów Angielski dla dzieci Angielski do wywiadów Publiczne przemówienie Wojskowy angielski Angielski w nieruchomościach

Popularne certyfikaty: B1 Preliminary for Schools B2 First for Schools BEC Higher BEC Preliminary BEC Vantage CAE CPE Egzamin ósmoklasisty FCE IB - International Baccalaureate IELTS KET LCCI EDI Linguaskill Matura (poziom podstawowy) Matura (poziom rozszerzony) PET Pre A1 Starters (YLE) PTE TOEFL TOEIC Trinity YLE Flyers YLE Movers

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