Wszyscy nauczyciele
Rojin - lektor angielskiego

Rojin - Lektor angielskiego

Vocabulary Vibe-ologist: Grooving with Great Words

  • engLektor angielskiego
  • eng fa tr fa
  • fateacher.persian
  • persian Native
  • Angielski C2
  • turkish A2
Preferencje nauczania
  • Zajęcia indywidualne
  • Zajęcia grupowe
  • Studenci (15-20)
  • Dorośli (21+)
Przygotowanie do egzaminów TOEFL IELTS

O sobie

Over the past eight years, I've taken on the noble task of teaching English, both in-person and online! It's been a rollercoaster of an educational journey, full of more plot twists than a Netflix series. I've learned a ton about which teaching approaches make my students thrive, depending on their level and what weird and wonderful topics we dive into.

Now, let's get real for a second - teaching hasn't always been a walk in the park. There have been moments when I've questioned my life choices, like trying to explain English grammar to a group of disinterested teenagers on a Friday afternoon. But through it all, I've persevered, because when I zoom out and look at the bigger picture, it's clear that teaching is my calling.

Sure, I've had my fair share of eye-rolls and creative excuses for missed assignments, but when I see my students making progress and actually enjoying learning, it's like discovering a hidden treasure. Teaching is not just a job; it's a mission, a grand adventure, and a fantastic profession that keeps me on my toes and my sense of humor intact.

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